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Thank you for your interest in joining the Huntsville Adult Soccer League (HASL) as a player. Please fill out this form so your information can be shared with all team captains. 

The teams in our league run independently and are solely responsible for filling their 25 player rosters each season. To help facilitate that process however, we provide this portal as a way to let teams know
you are interested in playing in our league. Please complete this form and submit to the league and your name will be sent to all team captains. Those teams that need players may reach out to you
based upon their roster needs.

We play two 10 game seasons, one in the spring and one in the fall so timing your submission is important as well. January and early February as well as July and August are great times to send your information.

We hope to see you on a HASL team soon.

Tim Barron, VP-HASL

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